Yard Sale Vendors

2025 Agreement for Yard Sale Vendors

This Fall’s Yard Sale is September 27, 2025. If you have questions or if you want to join our WAIT LIST, please email us at yardsale.104@gmail.com.

See the 2025 Yard Sale Vendor Agreement (139KB .DOC) and then download the 2025 Yard Sale Vendor Signature Page (77KB .PDF) or use an electronic payment method. (details below)

The Yard Sale is a great way to turn your items into quick cash — and have a wonderful time in the process! The live music, bargains and crowds make our Yard Sale the most eagerly anticipated block party on the Upper West Side.

This is the information prospective Yard Sale Vendors need to know about the Block Association’s, Yard Sale. A signature page of this Vendor agreement is at the end of this document and is also attached as a separate document.

Before the Yard Sale

When and where it is 
The 2025 Yard Sale, 35th event, will take place Saturday, September 27th from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. The Yard Sale is held outdoors on 104th Street between West End Ave. and Riverside Drive.

Space rental size and cost
The fee for a space, which is 10 feet wide by approximately 8 feet deep, is $75.

We rent approximately 60 spaces. We do not sell half-spaces although you’re welcome to share your space with a partner. (A single payment should be sent for the space). You must bring your own tables, racks and chairs. We are not able to supply these items.

To join our WAIT LIST, or if you have a question about your reservation, please email us at yardsale.104@gmail.com.

2023 Yard Sale Vendor Space Rental
Preferred Location
Preferred side of street

To reserve a space (3 choices: Online, Email and US “snail” mail)
There are three ways to reserve a space in the Yard Sale. If you have questions please contact us at: yardsale.104@gmail.com.

1) ** Fastest and Best Choice: To reserve a space Online via PayPal (highly recommended), complete the following form. You will get an Email acknowledgement.

2) Email: To reserve and receive your confirmation via Email:

You must send a signed signature page (77KB .PDF) of this vendor agreement via US Postal Mail to the address below along with your check. Your registration receipt will be sent to you via Email.

3) US Post: To reserve and receive your confirmation via US Postal Mail:

Sign 2 copies of just the signature page (77KB .PDF) of this vendor agreement. You must send both copies along with your check and a Stamped Envelope addressed back to you, to the address below. If there is no Stamped Self Addressed Envelope included, we cannot confirm your space.

Vendor Form return address:

Mary Jo Gennaro
Block Association Yard Sale
315 Riverside Drive Apt #7C
New York, NY 10025

We will begin accepting reservations up to September 20th.

If you are NOT using PayPal:

Include Payment –– You must include a check or money order made payable to the West 104th St. Block Association.
 Forms to Send –– For Email Confirmation: Send only 1 signed copy of the signature page of this Vendor agreement. –– For US Postal Mail Confirmation: Must send two signed copies of the signature page of this Vendor agreement.
YOU WILL RECEIVEYour Confirmation– Email Confirmation: An email
will be sent to you as your confirmation. -Postal Mail Confirmation: Must include a stamped self-addressed envelope (SASE). Confirmation will be mailed back to you.

Once your application form is received and your check or PayPal payment clears, you will receive confirmation by e-mail or by (U.S. Post if you request it) that your space is reserved.


Information for Confirmed Vendors

You will be assigned a specific space only at 10PM the night before the event. If you have given us your e-mail, we will e-mail your space assignment to you by 10 PM the night before the Yard Sale. No sooner. Please do not phone to ask for a space assignment number. If you have not given us your email, you can get your assigned space location when you arrive at the Yard Sale from any of the “Yard Sale coordinators” (they will be wearing West 104th Street Block Association “Tee” shirts) on the block.

If you are going be late, you must call the cell phone number that will be available on our answering machine (212) 932-9082 the morning of the event. If you have not yet arrived by 10:00 a.m. and have not called that cell number, we will consider you a no-show and can re-sell your space.

What you may and may not sell
Vendors may sell just about anything, but NOT food and drinks. Books may not constitute more than 50 percent of your selling stock. In the past we have found that used items sell best; new items tend not to sell well.

Who benefits from the Yard Sale?
The West 104th Street Block Association raises money for its activities and programs by fees from spaces. Funds raised are used to pay for a block security patrol and for beautification. You keep all the proceeds from the sale of your own items.

If you need to cancel before September 22nd, we can refund your payment, or you may donate the fee to the Block Association. If you cancel after September 20th, we can only refund your payment if we are able to re-sell your space.

There is no refund if you do not show up on the day of the Yard Sale.

If there is a possibility of a cancellation due to bad weather – do this check the night before the Yard Sale.

On Friday night before the sale, at 10 PM, if you have not already received an email you can call our answering machine (212) 932-9082 for a notice to stand-by until 7 AM the next morning when a final decision will be made. 

At 7 AM the next day, emails will be sent and the phone message updated to confirm if the sale is going ahead or is cancelled. You can get an update by one of the following:

If you have given us your e-mail addressWe will send you an e-mail message
If you have no e-mail or Internet accessCall 212 932-9082 to hear a pre-recorded message

If the Yard Sale is canceled, fees will be refunded.

Day of the Yard Sale

When to set up
You should arrive and start setting up at 8:00 AM. on the day of the event. If you haven’t arrived by 10:00 and haven’t called the Vendor Coordinator’s cell phone to let us know you will be late, we will consider you a no-show and may re-sell your space. The coordinator’s cell phone number will be available on our answering machine (212) 932-9082 on the morning of the event. Once most Vendors have set up, you may not be able to drive your car to your space so it is best to arrive early.

Getting your assigned space
Vendor spaces are numbered along the curb. If you provided us with your e-mail address, we will e-mail your space assignment number the night before and you can locate it yourself. If you can’t find your space, ask one of the Vendor Coordinators (they will be wearing “West 104th Street Block Association” tee shirts) who will direct you to your assigned space. Please do not phone asking for your space assignment number.

About parked cars on the block
The block association makes every effort (including asking the police to tow violators) to remove parked cars from the block. We cannot guarantee, however, that your space will be car-free. We are sorry, but we cannot reassign you to a car-free space. If your space has a car in it, you can set up alongside it closer to the middle of the street but please be aware that the driver may show up late and need to move off the block. We ask for your patience and understanding.

Emergency matters
New York City fire department regulations require that we leave five feet free on either side of our two fire hydrants. The police department also requires that we leave enough room down the middle of the street for emergency vehicles (fire, police, and ambulance) to pass. Please cooperate by not spilling over into a fire hydrant space or too far into the middle of the street. Your space measures 10 feet wide by approximately 8 feet from the curb to the center of the road.

After the Yard Sale

The Yard Sale is over at 5:00 p.m. We hope you will have had a profitable and fun day!

Cleaning up

You are responsible for cleaning up your space at the end of the day. The block association can provide you with two large garbage bags if needed. Just ask one of the coordinators. You must place all trash and leftover items into bags, seal them and bring them to the corner of 104th St. at West End Avenue. If you do not bring your bagged leftover items to the corner, and your space has not been cleaned, you will not be permitted to participate in next year’s Yard Sale.

Signature section

I have read the 2025 Yard Sale Vendor Agreement document containing information for Vendors interested in participating in the West 104th St. Block Association’s Yard Sale.

Download the 2025 Yard Sale Vendor Agreement (139KB .DOC)

I agree to its conditions by signing the Signature Page:

Download the Signature Page only (77KB .PDF)

8 thoughts on “Yard Sale Vendors”

  1. I sell hand made catnip cat toys. I have not been able to find someone to share a space with me. My table is 2 feet by 4 feet so there is more than half of the space to share.

    Please respond with either your phone number or email if you are interested. Thanks,

  2. Hi there, I submitted via PayPal. I got the order confirmation however want to ensure you got my request (near West End / South side preference). Excited for this, thanks!


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