Upcoming Events

West 104th Street Block Association

Bloomingdale Bites

A bed of pink hydrangeas and purple irises in Riverside Park

On Thursday, June 6th from 6 to 9 pm, make a plan to attend Bloomingdale Bites, a food tasting extravaganza featuring restaurant fare from an array of eateries across the Bloomingdale neighborhood. This event is a joint initiative sponsored by Our Block Association, the West 102/103 Block Association, the Bloomingdale Neighborhood History Group, the Columbus- Amsterdam BID and Bloomingdale Restaurants.

In between bites, you will be able to catch three 10 minute presentations by the Bloomingdale Neighborhood History Group, tracing the culinary history of our community – from taverns to tartuffo.

We are lucky to live in a neighborhood that offers a rich and diverse cuisines, where one “eats global by eating local”.

Take advantage of this opportunity to spend an evening learning about how Bloomingdale became such as delicious destination!

The festivities will take place in the ballroom of Hosteling International , 891 Amsterdam Avenue (between w 103 and W 104 Streets) and the cost is $10 per adult and $5 for children. 

Doors open at 5:45 pm.

Email the Columbus BID for more info 

Open Streets: May 26th

W 103 St Broadway to Amsterdam

and Amsterdam from 106 to 110 Streets


Be safe, and do keep in touch with us.


Steve Zirinsky

Block Association Dues

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Pay or renew online. Boom. Done.

Don’t get Block Bytes? Sign up Today.

Contact Steven Zirinsky with questions.

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